Gita Mike

Gita Mike

Gita Mike is a long time meditator and yoga practitioner who believes there is a spiritual solution to any challenge that we are faced with. She wants to share her experience and knowledge to help others find their path towards mindfulness, peace, and fulfillment.

This Is How Long A Good Yoga Mat Should Last

what is a good yoga mat

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced yogi, you’ll always have to account for needing a new yoga mat. The yoga mat is the foundation of your practice, and you definitely want to have a good one. If you’re…

6 Benefits Of Using A Yoga Strap

What is the purpose of a yoga strap

Many yoga accessories can make your practice more effective. One of these is a yoga strap. There are different types of yoga straps that can be tailored to different body types and goals, as well as many benefits that come…

Does meditation work for everyone?

Does meditation work for everyone

Mindfulness and meditation are becoming increasingly popular. There are people worldwide who choose to commit to meditating on a regular basis: be it once a day, a few times per week, or weekly. However, some people who have tried meditating…

Exactly How Often Should Runners Do Yoga?

Benefits of yoga for runners

If you are an active runner, spending some time on your yoga mat can help you improve your running performance. Runners who practice yoga enjoy the benefits of an overall stronger body with an increased range of motion, giving them…

Can Meditation Replace Sleep?

meditation benefits for sleep

If you have been meditating, you know the calm, relaxed feeling this practice can bless you with, as well as those side benefits it grants you, such as reduced stress and heightened awareness. And, if you have noticed certain similarities…